Sea of Knowledge

HubSpot Onboarding vs Agency Onboarding for HubSpot

Written by Sara Kennedy | November 2021

HubSpot onboarding vs agency onboarding of HubSpot - Let’s Chat About It!

If your company recently decided to move forward with HubSpot - this is certainly an exciting time! The first step is to get yourself situated and complete the onboarding process. There are a few possible ways in which you can complete the onboarding process depending on your specific needs and preferences. You can complete onboarding directly with HubSpot, use an agency to help you onboard, or go at it alone and figure the process out for yourself.

Whatever you choose, it’s important to fully understand all of your possible options before moving forward. This article will help you make that decision so you can start enjoying all of the HubSpot benefits as soon as possible.

Benefits of onboarding directly with HubSpot
If you choose to move forward with onboarding directly with a HubSpot agent, there are a few benefits that you will get to enjoy from this collaboration. Your agent will be able to walk you through the onboarding process seamlessly while providing you with tutorials on how to onboard the software to the rest of your team.

You can be confident that your program will be successfully set up at the end of your call with a HubSpot agent. However, if you are looking to set specific goals and benchmarks during this call, contacting a partner might be a better fit for your needs. We will explore that option next!

Moving forward with a HubSpot partner
Goalsetting is a major reason why training with a HubSpot partner directly can be beneficial. Your partner will help you build a sales, marketing, and customer service benchmarking program so that you can solidify your first few goals. This allows you to truly hit the ground running when implementing a new software. Plus, the process of getting your employees on board with the idea will go much more smoothly.

Setting up the product yourself
If you are more of a hands-on learner and prefer to figure out problems solo, you can also set up the HubSpot software by yourself. This might be a better opinion for someone who is familiar with the platform from another company or has experience with a competitor who might operate in a similar way. While you do miss out on key features and benefits this way, setting up HubSpot yourself can be a cost-friendly option for those who want to tinker with the product alone.

Challenges that can come from onboarding with HubSpot
While onboarding directly with HubSpot is a popular method for many new customers, it is not always the most effective when it comes to getting the most out of the product. Paying for this service will only leave you with an activated account with many features left to explore on your own. For some, this is all they need to get started! For others, more guidance is necessary to accelerate success.

Training directly with HubSpot is a great way to get going with the product. Their agents are knowledgeable, trained to problem-solve, and will be able to answer all of your questions. However, they will not be able to help you long-term. So if you are looking for someone to be a more permanent cheerleader for your team, working with a partner might be a better fit for your business.

HubSpot partner onboarding explained
If you have decided to move forward with a HubSpot partner, this is a great way to get the most out of your new software, especially if you are new to the world of goal-setting and strategic planning practices! HubSpot partners are designed to be with your team for the long haul and help you adapt to the product as new features are released and as your business undergoes natural changes. Plus, you’ll be able to avoid paying the onboarding fee that comes with working with a HubSpot agent directly.

How to get the most out of your onboarding experience
When getting started with HubSpot, it’s important to start off strong, no matter how you choose to complete the onboarding process. Here are a few crucial points to bring up during your onboarding/training session to make sure you get the most out of the experience:

  • HubSpot has endless features - so don’t be afraid to ask your partner to go beyond the basics even on your first call!
  • Ask for personalized recommendations after explaining the goals and expectations of your company. HubSpot partners are extremely knowledgeable and here to help. (Ask about new hubs you can join!)
  • Presenting new features to your team can be a job in itself. Don’t be afraid to ask your partner for help with this integration!

Extra resources to take advantage of
There are a plethora of extra resources that come with HubSpot, so make sure to take advantage of all of them! Take a peek at:

  • HubSpot academy for certifications and extra resources for learning.
  • Join the HubSpot community and collaborate/communicate with other users on the platform.
  • HubSpot user groups - learn by sharing! This is a great way to network with local HubSpot users and integrate yourself into the brand’s community.

We hope this article helps you understand the many onboarding possibilities that are available to you when joining HubSpot. If you're ready to implement HubSpot and need onboarding assistance, connect with Coastal and let us help!